Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Taking Control Of Your Professional Development

He told me about an email he got from his district. Over the summer teachers were going to go to some professional development in their content area. The district had looked over where the majority of teachers were weak and were going to provide them some learning in those areas. When he looked at what this PD was going to consist of he was dumbfounded. This wasn’t at all the areas he was weak in. In fact he was one of the highest performing teachers in those areas.

And now he was being forced to sit through PD that was meaningless to him.

Source: Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Taking Control Of Your Professional Development

I was surprised at some of the items that are on our list for PDUs that can be used to renew a license. Blogging, online courses, etc. Depending on your district and LPDC, you may be able to plan out more of your own PD than you think.

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