8 cool stop motion effects
In Edu Puertas video, he shows off 8 simple animation and special effects tricks you can use in your stop motion videos. It’s a great resource for when your students are ready to advance their stop motion movie creations.
The how, where, why, and when we communicate. Long form asynchronous? Real-time chat? In-person? Video? Verbal? Written? Via email? In Basecamp? How do we keep everyone in the loop without everyone getting tangled in everyone else’s business? It’s all in here. Source: Guide to Internal Communication, the Basecamp Way It’s a long read, but well…
Matt Bucy on Vimeo has put together a cut of The Wizard of Oz where he has rearranged every instance of every word in alphabetical order. It’s quite fascinating to watch, and some of the scenes with the same word are quite humorous when put together in this order.
Source: Free icons by first-class designers Here are some neat graphics that you or your students can use for free. They are in .svg format, so you’ll have to use an app that supports that format. This would include Boxy SVG or Gravit Designer. You could also convert the graphics with CloudConvert.
Atkinson Hyperlegible font is named after Braille Institute founder, J. Robert Atkinson. What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability. We are making it free for anyone to use, download here! Source: Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute I’ve…
Source: Workbench Google Workbench is a repository of lesson plans that you can find through search. The search allows you to drill down through grade levels, content, project duration, and learning standards. Lessons can be assigned through Google Classroom or Clever. It’s all free, but they do have some premium features if you want to…
While a recent poll showed 9 out of 10 teachers do not use social media in the classroom, there are teachers who are. Social doesn’t have to be a distraction and kids can be safe. Let’s dive into ten ways teachers have used social media in the classroom to enhance learning. These are some of…