A comic, a meme, and teaching coding – A Top 3 of the Week
I’m not a big fan of end of year lists, just for the simple fact that things released in December have a distinct disadvantage to those items released in January. Looking back over the top posts from 2020, the list seems to be distributed throughout the year. Well, except for March and April posts showing…
When a class is assigned to do a presentation for a subject, students groan. Maybe screencasts can bring back the magic? Not only do they have to stand in front of the class and present, they have to sit through 25 other presentations of students, done in the exact same manner. What if you mixed…
This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. Technology is a weird beast. There are people we expect to know a lot about it, and then there are people we expect to not know anything about it. The unspoken truth is…
The origins of SSS began in April of 2014 as I began to embark on making a “game a week.” Rami Ismail of Vlambeer had recently written about the topic so it was fresh in my mind. I too am a proponent of it creating a breadth of work because only through practice can you become…
https://eduk8.me/2021/02/staff-bathroom-eduk8meme/ https://eduk8.me/2021/02/valentines-day-is-on-sunday-comic/ https://eduk8.me/2021/02/push-notifications/