A comic, moons, and remote schooling – Top 3 of the Week
When you use Google Image Search, you’ve always been able to search with an image by clicking on the camera icon. That works fine and dandy, but what if you want to search with an image you find when browsing? You could right-click on the image, save it, then use the Google Image Search, but…
I used to have beautiful handwriting. Growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, when it was assumed writing in cursive was a necessary skill, I actually practiced my letters, trying out different capital “Gs” and inventing fancy swirls to go under my signature. If I ever needed to leave a mysterious letter in an old…
When copying and pasting items, you are usually limited to a clipboard with only one item. Fortunately, Google has added a clipboard to Google Apps called Web Clipboard. There are a couple of neat features when you use the web clipboard. One is the ability to have several items in the web clipboard. Two is…
Lumio for Google Chrome helps you curate and share information. To get started, you’ll need to use Google Chrome and install the lumio extension. Google Accounts are supported for signup, so that’s one less username and password you’ll need to remember. Lumio works a lot like the Google Keep extension, with one difference. Information can be…
In the age of #CSforAll, there are hundreds of online resources to teach you and your students how to code. But is it possible to learn this digital skill through an analogue method? For those of you that love the touch, smell, and feel of books, below is a list of recommended reads to get…
Professional ‘Math Editor’ used to insert equations into documents. Source: ‘FMath Editor’ Docs add-on – Google Docs add-on Last week I wrote about Equatio, an add-on to insert mathematical expressions. FMath Editor is another option for entering math equations into documents. Once installed, you can build your equations from the tool on the right side…