A Meme, a comic, and saving bookmarks – Top 3 of the Week
I’m not a big fan of yearly countdowns in December. What about posts in December? So, I’m doing my top 10 posts now, and there is one post from December that made the list. https://eduk8.me/2019/02/preceden-a-free-for-students-timeline-creator/ 0x0D Ways to Teach Like a Hacker https://eduk8.me/2019/02/another-option-to-quiet-youtube-df-tube-distraction-free-for-youtube/ https://eduk8.me/2019/01/an-entirely-free-9th-grade-computer-science-curriculum-from-carnegie-mellon-university/ https://eduk8.me/2019/01/workaround-for-verizon-customers-using-remind/ https://eduk8.me/2019/05/play-the-classic-version-of-minecraft-for-free-in-your-browser/ https://eduk8.me/2019/06/google-sheets-has-a-translate-function/ https://eduk8.me/2019/12/get-them-coding-with-tic-80/ https://eduk8.me/2019/09/the-note-taking-app-notion-is-now-free-for-college-students-and-educators/ https://eduk8.me/2019/10/ted-ed-has-a-new-youtube-series-for-kids-about-coding/
Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder through these special links A simple bookmark can create a Google document in specific folder. Alice Keeler’s Chrome Extension – AnyoneCanView A great extension that takes the guesswork out of sharing documents in Google Drive. Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder with a specific account…
An option to control the flow of email in Gmail from students is to have your Google Apps for Education (GAFE) administrator add a footer to student emails. In the footer, the administrator could put a hashtag such as #studentofSCHOOL where SCHOOL is your school district or building. The idea is that the tag is something unique. Your…
You’ve probably heard of the student-led “Genius Bar”, which is generally a team of student leaders that provide technical support for the technology devices and programs in their schools. What a great way to utilize and develop student knowledge and skills, right? I couldn’t agree more. Busch’s student tech teams have four sub-committees: the “Newcast…