A Meme, Intro to Google Jamboard, and a Comic – Top 3 of the Week
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, than an animated gif must be worth at least 5,000! Google Slides supports animated gifs, and it’s an easy way to liven up a presentation. Sure, you could insert a Youtube video, but sometimes that is just plain overkill. Unfortunately, you have no control over the gifs, and…
For the 4th of July, I found a presentation from Mary Kate DiNorcia and Chris Simonetti on the physic errors in Independence Day. Enjoy!
At the start of my teaching career, when I was fresh out of graduate school, I briefly considered trying to pass myself off as a cool professor. Luckily, I soon came to my senses and embraced my true identity as a young fogey. After one too many students called me by my first name and…
Data-driven instruction is one of those buzzwords in today’s educational landscape. We hear all about data, but if your experience is anything like mine, you’ve never really been trained to do much with it. Sure, we give pre-assessments and set goals for post-assessments, growth, and student success, but it often feels like we’re doing so…
https://eduk8.me/2020/08/comic-tired-already/ https://eduk8.me/2020/09/alice-keeler-webcam-record-chrome-extension/ https://eduk8.me/2020/09/eduk8meme-wishful-thinking/