A Meme, learning spreadsheets, and Kid Pix – Top 3 of the Week
Factitious is an online game to help people recognize fake news. This would be a great way to teach students how to check sources and identify fake news sites.
There are a few search operators that you can use in the Gmail search bar to help narrow down and find that message. Here are a few of my favorites: from: and to: To find all the emails from a particular person, use from:[email protected], or use to:[email protected] to find all of the email messages sent…
Google Docs makes it really easy to create a link to a pdf version of a Google Doc. Go to Sharing on the Google Doc, either click on Public on the web or Anyone with the link, depending on your comfort level of others finding your document. You then get a link to the Google…
My Presentations at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference. Can Curiosity Kill the Robotic Cat? is my FREdTalk for Wednesday morning at 8:30am. in Hall A. A sneak peak of the slides is available. Finding Real Education Talk is an ignite style presentation which is 5 minutes long and 20 slides. The 20 slides auto-advance. At…
https://eduk8.me/2018/01/another-site-teach-students-check-validity-websites/ https://eduk8.me/2018/01/comic-snow-day/ https://eduk8.me/2018/01/edtech-voice-assistants-place-classroom/