Gamifycation, Microsoft Office, and formative assessment – Top 3 for the week
https://eduk8.me/2017/08/interesting-gamifying-classroom-check-rezzly/ https://eduk8.me/2017/08/something-didnt-know-existed-microsoft-office-world-championship/ https://eduk8.me/2017/09/formative-assessment-ideas-from-edutopia/

Formative assessment ideas from Edutopia
Formative assessment: you’ve heard about it, you’ve read the research, and you’ve probably tried it out in your classroom. Whether you’re a formative assessment newbie or a veteran, these techniques can help spice up how you check for understanding in the classroom. They range from the classics, like exit slips, to ideas you may have never…

A look at Apple’s new summer camp
In a nondescript Apple office building in Cupertino, California, a group of engineers has spent the past four weeks working feverishly on the next big thing in consumer hardware, prototyping a water-saving shower head, a new version of the Apple Watch, and a “smart” water bottle. These products may never hit the market, but that…

The affluent are spending more on inconspicuous items, including education
Rather than filling garages with flashy cars, the data show, today’s rich devote their budgets to less visible but more valuable ends. Chief among them is education for their children: the top 10% now allocate almost four times as much of their spending to school and university as they did in 1996, whereas for other…

If you are interesting in gamifying your classroom, check out Rezzly
Rezzly is a gamification platform for the classroom. Students interact with Rezzly through the completion of quests. There are currently 20,000 quests available from other teachers, and you can create your own. The platform takes care of all the nitty gritty data collection for you. The onboarding for students has a pretty steep usage curve,…

Something I didn’t know existed, the Microsoft Office World Championship
On a Sunday night two weeks back, in the Rose Court Garden of the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California, 150 antsy competitors between the ages of 13 and 22 milled around eating miniature whoopie pies by the light of the Moon, sizing up their global rivals in the efficient use of Excel, PowerPoint, and Word….

These students are streaming their videogame playing to pay for college
As she neared 24 straight hours of playing Dead Space, Kaitlyn Richelle watched in shock as a $250 donation flashed across her screen. “That’s the goal,” she shouted. “That’s the tuition.” She paused her Twitch stream, struggling to get a full sentence out. She had just raised $5,000 to help pay for medical school. Source: Meet the streamers using…

How good are people with computers? Apparently not very.
Summary: Across 33 rich countries, only 5% of the population has high computer-related abilities, and only a third of people can complete medium-complexity tasks. Source: The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think Also, 26% can’t use a computer AT ALL!!!

Barbed wire, digital natives, Gmail Quick Links – Top 3 of the week
https://eduk8.me/2017/08/barbed-wire-fence-telecommunications-medium-choice-farmers/ https://eduk8.me/2017/08/myth-digital-native/ https://eduk8.me/2017/08/gmail-labs-retired-no-quick-links/