For surgical residents, learning comes easier when stress is removed

For surgical residents, learning comes easier when stress is removed

University of Houston and Methodist Hospital researchers are reporting in Scientific Reports that the best way to train surgeons is to remove the stress of residency programs and make surgery a hobby. Under relaxed conditions outside a formal educational setting, 15 first-year medical students, who aspired one day to become surgeons, mastered microsurgical suturing and…

Look out world, gamers also have higher moral reasoning skills!

Look out world, gamers also have higher moral reasoning skills!

Young people who play video games, including violent titles, display more developed moral reasoning skills than their non-gaming peers, a study has found. Source: Young people who play video games have higher moral reasoning skills – I really don’t mean to toot the video gaming horn, but video gaming and educational technology are very much…

There is a correlation between gamers and intelligence

There is a correlation between gamers and intelligence

First off, there’s pretty firm evidence to suggest that some forms of gaming are correlated with high scores in conventional IQ tests. For example, researchers at the University of York found that adults who play online strategy games (particularly those involving team cooperation) score highly on standard intelligence tests. Source: Science Says Gamers Are Smarter Than Non-Gamers – Armchair Arcade…

What barriers are causing your students to appear to be lazy?

What barriers are causing your students to appear to be lazy?

I’ve been a psychology professor since 2012. In the past six years, I’ve witnessed students of all ages procrastinate on papers, skip presentation days, miss assignments, and let due dates fly by. I’ve seen promising prospective grad students fail to get applications in on time; I’ve watched PhD candidates take months or years revising a…

Why does school develop confidence in boys but competence in girls?

Why does school develop confidence in boys but competence in girls?

I hear this concern often from the parents of many of my patients. They routinely remark that their sons do just enough to keep the adults off their backs, while their daughters relentlessly grind, determined to leave no room for error. The girls don’t stop until they’ve polished each assignment to a high shine and…

Are you not on social media? Even so, it can still predict what you’ll say

Are you not on social media? Even so, it can still predict what you’ll say

Using a database of past tweets, they were able to effectively pick out the next words a user was likely to use. But they were able to do so more effectively if they simply had access to what a person’s contacts were saying on Twitter. Source: Social media can predict what you’ll say, even if you…

I’m presenting at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference! #oetc19

I’m presenting at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference! #oetc19

From February 12 through February 14, the Ohio Educational Technology Conference will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. This is the 20th year that I’ve attended the conference, so it’s becoming second nature. I will be presenting twice. First up will be my 5 minute ignite style FREdTalk presentation on Wednesday, February…

It only takes one device to hack a network

It only takes one device to hack a network

A corporate laptop being used in a coffee shop at a weekend was enough to allow a sophisticated cybercrime group to compromise an organisation’s entire infrastructure.   The incident was detailed by cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike as part of its Cyber Intrusion Services Casebook 2018 report and serves as a reminder that laptops and other devices that are secure while…

When it comes to cheating on homework, Alexa is the new Google

When it comes to cheating on homework, Alexa is the new Google

Is your kid getting straight A’s on homework lately? You might want to switch off Alexa.   Last week, New Jersey mom Yerelyn Cueva, 24, posted a short clip on Twitter of her son doing his math homework at their kitchen table. In the 11-second video, 6-year-old Jariel asks, “Alexa, what’s 5 minus 3?” The…