Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder with a specific account through these special links

Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder with a specific account through these special links

We now know how to create Google documents quickly, and can even create the new documents in a particular folder. But, what if we have multiple Google accounts? To select the account, we can use the trick we learned on linking to a particular Gmail account. But first, lets review the links to quickly create…

Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder through these special links

Quickly create Google documents in a specific folder through these special links

Yesterday I showed the special links you can use to create Google documents. But what if you want to create new documents in a particular folder? I create a new folder for every school year. For example, this year I have a folder named 16-17. Anything I re-use from last year I make a copy of…

Quickly create Google documents through these special links

Quickly create Google documents through these special links

Previously I wrote about creating bookmarks that can easily create Google documents, but since that was almost two years ago, it is time to revisit the solution. Google has special URLs (web addresses) that will create a Google document when you click on them. For the five main types of documents, the links are: Google…

Facebook, college admissions, and copyright – Top 3 for the week

Facebook, college admissions, and copyright – Top 3 for the week

Yet another reason to limit Facebook use… Fake news feeder. College admissions – 7 giveaways of student social media use What do college admissions officials look at in a perspective student’s social media feed? Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons – your complete guide Hopefully will answer all of you questions about copyright!

Edtech trends, multiple Gmail accounts, and schools as a business – Top 3 for the week

Edtech trends, multiple Gmail accounts, and schools as a business – Top 3 for the week

15 more edtech trends for 2017 Hear from some of the top people in the educational field with their ideas of edtech in 2017. Create a link to a specific Gmail account Multiple Google accounts? No problem. Should schools be run as a business? Read on for why the answer is no.