Check out these awesome science animations from Maxwell Helmberger!
Amazing claymation! Check out more of the videos on his channel: Maxwell Helmberger – YouTube
Amazing claymation! Check out more of the videos on his channel: Maxwell Helmberger – YouTube
In 2018, more than 31 million people took virtual courses offered through GCFGlobal – a Goodwill Community Foundation initiative – and their online portal, offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese. This is an astounding number that would rank it just behind Coursera’s reported 37 million registered users in 2018 and more than both Udacity (10 million) and edX (18 million)…
The Eduk8me Newsletter is posted weekly and contains the posts for the previous week on Bonus content such as the top shared items and access to other free content is also included. By subscribing you’ll also get access to time sensitive announcements, such as grant opportunities and contests.
Stuffy offices can halve cognitive scores The best way to tackle a tough task at work may be to crack a window and breathe deep. Compared with inhaling fresh air, gulping down the stale air found in conventional office buildings can stifle cognitive function by half, researchers report in Environmental Health Perspectives. The finding suggests…
Source: Freesound – Freesound You’re working on the perfect video or slide show, and it is awesome. But, it’s awesome like an ice cream sundae without the cherry. Great, but not fantastic. So you look for things to push the project to new heights when you realize that some well placed sound effects add not…
While a recent poll showed 9 out of 10 teachers do not use social media in the classroom, there are teachers who are. Social doesn’t have to be a distraction and kids can be safe. Let’s dive into ten ways teachers have used social media in the classroom to enhance learning. These are some of…
Next Monday, May the fourth, is Star Wars day. As an ad hoc celebration of Stars Wars that has roots from the late 70s, it has become quite popular world wide. I’ve organized some resources to help you celebrate this cultural phenomenon in the classroom. Star Wars Day: May the 4th Be With You Star…