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Switch your Google Docs/Sheets/Slides from /edit to /preview with this bookmarklet
Last week I talked about switching a Google Drive document from /edit to /preview and back. The process is cumbersome, requiring you to edit the address of the document. To help with switching, I wrote a little Javascript code that will switch between the modes when clicked. Don’t fear the bookmarklet A bookmarklet is a…

Inserting special characters and emoji into Google Docs
Google Docs has offered the ability to insert special characters, such as arrows and emoji, for awhile now. Under the Insert menu, select Special Characters. Google Docs opens the special characters palette. Mousing over the characters brings up a magnification of the characters the mouse pointer is hovering over. The listing of characters is broken up into…

A comic, moons, and remote schooling – Top 3 of the Week
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ⓔ Polling added to Google Classroom
You can now add questions to Google Classroom for quick polls. There are two answer types, short answer and multiple choice. As it is for polling, there isn’t any option for automatic feedback with the correct answer. Unfortunately, Google still hasn’t added any sort of organizational tool to group items in the classroom or organize…

Easily create QR Codes in Google Sheets with the QR Code Generator add-on
Easily create QR Codes in Google Sheets with the QR Code Generator add-on. To use the add-on, put the data you want converted to QR Codes in cells in column A. The data can be text, email address, website addresses, etc. In column B, put a description of the QR code. This will be used to name…

Web whiteboard, Google Sheet in a Doc, and classrooms vs coffee shops – Top 3 for the week
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