Comic, Vivaldi web panels, and the greatest demo – Top 3 of the Week
I am not able to go to ISTE this year, but I’ve been following along online, and after attending the first #ISTEChat video conference there was mention of a Popl wristband that uses a QR code or NFC to share your contact info. That led me down the rabbit hole of qr codes, Vcards, and…
Although I’ve created a couple of cheat sheets for remembering keyboard shortcuts, there are other ways to remind yourself which key does what. A lot of Google products have a key sequence that will show you the keyboard shortcuts for the current product: Product Show Keyboard Gmail* Shift – / Chromebook Control – Alt –…
Almost 20 years ago, when Paul Curtis was a social studies teacher at the just-opened New Technology High School in Napa, Calif., there wasn’t much “tech” to support project-based learning. “We didn’t even give the kids email addresses back then,” he chuckles. Even now, Curtis, Director of Curriculum for the New Tech Network, is confident…
To get a deeper understanding of text, students use close reading strategies to interact with the text using multiple methods. In an analog format, students use highlighters, sticky notes, columns, and writing to question and emphasize important points and questions. In a digital format, OneNote can be an easy digital alternative for teachers to use…
Free icons to use for badges from OpenClipart OpenClipart has some great choices to help you create badges or other graphics for your classroom. Giving privacy for better behavior When always watching, there may be some consequences when you’re not watching. Keep your accounts safe with two factor authentication What is two-factor authentication and why…