France smartphone policy, creating ebooks, and a comic – Top 3 for the week
How many tabs do you have open in your browser? Would you like to open more? Here are some ways you can manage your tabs in Chrome. I regularly have over 150 tabs open across 10 or more windows, and with these tips I can easily find the tab I need and organize them. BEFORE…
How to be a Doer. Source: Stop Consuming. Start Creating. – The Mission – Medium There is no shortage of articles promoting creation over consumption! This is a good thing.
In a world where so much knowledge is a two-second search away, many schools are losing interest in models that promote static learning to know. They’re looking to embrace dynamic models that promote learning to do and learning to be. Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows learners to develop skills by solving meaningful, real-world challenges , i.e. organizing…