Free whiteboard, a meme, and planning & building – Top 3 of the Week
As John Green explains in this video, a few people are actually getting much better at the NES version of Tetris than anyone was back in the 90s. One of the reasons for this is that a smaller dedicated group working together can be more effective than a massive group of people working alone on…
Depending on how knowledgeable you are, you might have heard about all of the aforementioned. Even if you have, the question is how well do you know all of them? Would you be comfortable explaining to a complete novice what all of these are at a high level and be sure that you aren’t skewing…
Connecting globally is really powerful, but how do we use this medium in a way to enhance professional learning and empower the voice of teachers in our own building. Sometimes seeing the impact of using Twitter on a global level brings ideas back into our classrooms, but perhaps using Twitter locally could push people to connect others…