Geography resources, a meme, and a comic – Top 3 of the Week
Earlier this year, France passed a labor reform law that banned checking emails on weekends. New research—to be presented next week at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management—suggests other countries might do well to follow suit, for the sake of employee health and productivity. A new study—authored by Liuba Belkin of Lehigh University,…
Audiobooks are a valid listening component, providing rich exposure to sophisticated spoken words in school and at home. We’ve seen evidence of this in the work we do at Tales2go, but wanted to be more rigorous in our approach and have data to support our argument. We contracted with WestEd, a leading educational research nonprofit,…
Preschool, kindergarten, and pre-k teachers are using the StoryBots educational games and alphabet songs to make learning fun in classrooms around the world! Source: StoryBots Classroom: FREE for Teachers StoryBots is a collection of books, games, videos and more for the pre-K to 1st grade classrooms. The company behind StoryBots is JibJab, the 45 person…
Graduating students can now use Google Takeout and copy their content to a personal Google account. File sharing outside of the domain must be turned on, and the tool respects permissions set on the original files. So if a file is set to not allow downloading or the creation of copies, then that file will…