In most ways, teachers that use technology in the classroom aren’t much different than those that don’t.
Any teacher worth their salt assesses, and then revises planned instruction based on data from those assessments.They manage their classroom in a way that works for them, create a positive learning environment, and (great teachers especially) collaborate with a variety of stakeholders to make sure every humanly possible attempt is made to meet all students need.
In an era of national attention to what’s real and what isn’t, we asked educators to share their strategies for helping students sort out fact from fiction. Source: 5 Ways Teachers Are Fighting Fake News : NPR Ed : NPR The definition of fake news has been very distorted since the election. Now, it seems…
New research conducted by Allison Gabriel, McClelland Professor of Management and Organizations and University Distinguished Scholar in the University of Arizona Eller College of Management, suggests that the camera may be partially to blame. Gabriel’s research, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, looks at the role of cameras in employee fatigue and explores whether these feelings are…
Most security teams use a “prohibition approach” of restricting user access to websites and applications, according to a study conducted by Vanson Bourneand commissioned by Bromium Research. However, this approach not only hampers productivity and innovation, but is a major source of frustration for users, according to the survey of 500 CISOs from large enterprises in…
The more time we spend on our phones, the more text messaging seems like a natural artistic medium, a modern outgrowth of the epistolary novel. You can see it in the fake text messageweb fiction genre, in games like Sarah is Missing… and in the silly quasi-interactive thriller that a smartphone writing app has somehow seduced me into creating….
The micro:bit is a superb tool for delivering the physical elements of a Computing curriculum and it is a fantastic device on which to base a wide range of STEM projects that involve electrical circuits and electronics. Source: Micro:bit of Things I don’t think the Micro:bit gets the amount of love in the United States…
Parents care deeply about helping their kids build a positive and healthy relationship with technology. Last year, we introduced the Family Link app to help parents stay in the loop with how their children are using Android devices. Laptops also play an important role at home, with just over 50% of kids between 6-12 sharing…