Do Smartphones Help or Hurt Students’ Academic Achievement? – The Atlantic
I next contacted Richard Freed, a clinical psychologist and the author of Wired Child: Reclaiming Childhood in a Digital Age, who works with a wide range of children and families in the San Francisco Bay area.
“High levels of smartphone use by teens often have a detrimental effect on achievement, because teen phone use is dominated by entertainment, not learning, applications,” he said.
Source: Do Smartphones Help or Hurt Students’ Academic Achievement? – The Atlantic
Cellphone etiquette, and etiquette in general seems to be frowned upon by a majority of society. Knowing when and where devices can and could be used would do much to help integrate this new technology into our lives.
It bothers me when I see so many devices out during events. These are people that are more involved with their device, trying to capture a picture or movie, then with the people they are with and/or the performer. I’m reminded of this picture:
This is a woman who is part of the moment, and committed to it 100%. And then we have a woman who couldn’t put down her phone to look up at the Pope… I mean IT’S THE POPE!

I’m all for using tech use, but not at the expense of life.