#b2s 13. Plan something fun for yourself to do before school starts!
This is part 13 of 13 things to do before the first day of school. Everyone likes a last hurrah of summer, before getting back into the swing of school. My wife, she likes to watch The Dead Poets Society, whereas I prefer Rodney Dangerfield’s masterpiece, Back to School. Other activities could include clothes shopping, napping, and…
#b2s 9. Create a folder for the current school year (16-17)
This is part 9 of 13 things to do before the first day of school. I don’t store things in a lot of folders, I try to use search as much as possible. But, I do like storing the files and folders for the current year in a named folder. So, at the start of…
#b2s 8. Create a daily check off list, steps that need to be done every day
This is part 8 of 13 things to do before the first day of school. I’m a firm believer that a checklist, while not the solution to all problems, can be instrumental in organizing an efficient day. Research at John Hopkins University shows the value of a simple 5 step checklist for inserting an IV….
#b2s 5. Substitute folder in the cloud
This is article 5 from 13 things to do before the first day of school. It happens, usually before you’re ready for it. The day you have to prepare for a sub. A sense of dread comes over you as you put together your substitute folder. It’s even worse when you’re sick at home, trying…
#b2s 1. Create a spreadsheet for student information
This is part 1 of 13 things to do before the first day of school For a lot of scenarios, creating a Google Form to collect information works well. But it could also be overkill to create a form just to collect a student’s username from a web service, or to have a student select…