Data informed vs data driven – which one are you?

Data informed vs data driven – which one are you?

In the past, I’ve sat in on principal interviews. One of my favorite questions is, “Are you data driven or data informed?” Since this isn’t a common question, interviewees do not have a standard response and have to work through their thoughts. There are usually two routes that interviewees take on the answer. The first…

What’s At Risk When Schools Focus Too Much on Student Data? | MindShift | KQED News

What’s At Risk When Schools Focus Too Much on Student Data? | MindShift | KQED News

Have you ever seen a school data wall? In a struggling Newark, N.J., public school, I’ve seen bulletin boards showing the test scores of each grade compared with state averages. And in one in affluent Silicon Valley, I’ve seen smartboards that track individual students’ math responses in real time. These kinds of public displays send…

The Schoenblog: Using Data for Better Learning with #GoogleForms

The Schoenblog: Using Data for Better Learning with #GoogleForms

Data-driven instruction is one of those buzzwords in today’s educational landscape. We hear all about data, but if your experience is anything like mine, you’ve never really been trained to do much with it. Sure, we give pre-assessments and set goals for post-assessments, growth, and student success, but it often feels like we’re doing so…