Help your students plan their work with this list of helpful templates
Source: 15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students I’m more of a fan of lists like this to use for inspiration in creating my own, especially since some of these resources do cost. This is a great list to get started with on helping your students plan and prepare for their workload. It seems…

French lawmakers follow through and ban smartphones in schools… With a catch
French schoolchildren will have to leave their smartphones switched off or at home as the new academic year begins in September, after lawmakers voted for a ban on Monday. The ban on smartphones, tablets and other connected devices, which will apply to pupils up to the age of 14-15, fulfills a campaign promise by…

Lack of practical skills
During this year’s series of Love Island, contestant Chris Hughes revealed that he often wears his boxers three days in a row because he didn’t know how to use a washing machine. Most Brits take for granted the fact that they know how to work the washer, and may be horrified to hear that the 24 year-old…

These students are streaming their videogame playing to pay for college
As she neared 24 straight hours of playing Dead Space, Kaitlyn Richelle watched in shock as a $250 donation flashed across her screen. “That’s the goal,” she shouted. “That’s the tuition.” She paused her Twitch stream, struggling to get a full sentence out. She had just raised $5,000 to help pay for medical school. Source: Meet the streamers using…

Good or bad, why students should be using social media
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda may be talking about the dark side of the force here, but his Jedi wisdom is just as applicable to the dark side of social media and technology. Like the force, these tools provide…