Teachers in August #Eduk8Meme

There’s never been a better time to be a young programmer. Source: Apple, Microsoft and Google race to introduce your kid to coding – CNET Everything is math, and programming is math, so programming is everything. Some will dismiss this emphasis on programming, especially at the elementary level, but I believe that the ability to…
Equatio is a new add-on for Google Docs and Forms to facilitate the entry of math expressions Insert equations into Google Docs and Forms with ease. Exemplary examples of school districts using Twitter See how school districts can use Twitter. Do one to one initiatives threaten public education For some reason, the author equates one…
Excitement about school makerspaces has been in the air, but many educators eager to create hands-on learning spaces in their schools still aren’t sure how to get started or why it’s worth the effort. New Canaan High School librarian Michelle Luhtala recently jumped headfirst into creating a makerspace in her library and documented what she…
https://eduk8.me/2020/05/eduk8meme-so-many-videos/ https://eduk8.me/2020/05/tab-grouping-is-coming-to-google-chrome/ https://eduk8.me/2020/05/comic-last-week-of-school/
On many occasions, I have seen/read about App Smashing being leveraged in a way that is entirely anti-inquiry. In instances such as these, an overly contrived and smooth, risk free process is followed, all for the sake of a “cool” product. Source: The Problem with App Smashing A different take from mine on app smashing.