Eduk8me also offers technology services for your more advanced teachers and your technology staff. These services are more for the nuts and bolts of how things work in a district.
These services include:
- Moodle installation and training – Eduk8me can work with your technology staff and teachers on installing and implementing a Moodle installation.
- WordPress installation and training – WordPress is the premiere open source software used for content management systems throughout the world. At last count, 19% of the websites on the Internet were powered by WordPress.
- Technology consulting – Ask Eduk8me anything and we will research the topic and present our findings to you. This can be used to evaluate different initiatives, educational technologies, or integration issues in your district.
- Linux consulting – With the availability and popularity of Google Apps for Education and Office 365, Linux has become a viable options for districts wanting to move off of more expensive Windows and OS X machines.
- And much more!
If you have a technology problem, let Eduk8me find a solution.