A Google a Day
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
AT GRAVITY SOUND, WE REGULARLY RELEASE FREE MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS UNDER CC BY 4.0 LICENSE.IT’S JUST ONE WAY THAT GRAVITY SOUND GIVES BACK TO THE INDIE COMMUNITY. Source: Free Music and Sound Effects — Gravity Sound The music and sound effects is released with a Creative Commons license, CC BY 4.0, which allows you…
You can now read the entirety of sci-fi magazine If for free According to BoingBoing, all 176 issues of If have been made available via the Internet Archive, including the ones edited by Hugo Award-winning Frederik Pohl. His greatest contribution to the magazine was, perhaps, the introduction of the “If-first” series, which showcased new authors. A number of…
When using Google Meet, sometimes you’ll want to bring in another device, for example your desktop computer that is hooked to the projector. By using the Present button to join the meet, you can bring what’s on your projector into the Google Meet. This helps when you’re stuck in the hybrid teaching mode with students…
Source: Monthly Activity Calendars | Epic!: Read Amazing Children’s Books Online – Unlimited Access to the Best Books and Learning Videos For Kids 12 and Under Epic is an online digital library that is free for educators but a paid service for families. Without an account they offer free monthly activity calendars.
Online Learning: Why Libraries Could Be the Key to MOOCs’ Success | MindShift | KQED News For all the promises of online courses disrupting education, completion rates are notoriously low. Some studies found that about five percent of those enrolled in massive open online courses (known as MOOCs) completed the course. And those who took the…
Source: Free icons by first-class designers Here are some neat graphics that you or your students can use for free. They are in .svg format, so you’ll have to use an app that supports that format. This would include Boxy SVG or Gravit Designer. You could also convert the graphics with CloudConvert.