A Google a Day
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Melissa Schonig is a fifth-grade English and Language Arts (ELA) teacher at Lynhaven Elementary School where 40-50 percent of students are Latino, and many don’t have access to computers at home. She didn’t know much about computer science, but wanted her students to get familiar with coding because it can help with other skills, such…
12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years – The classroom is changing because the world is changing. That may not be as true as we’d like it to be–the pace of the change in education lags awkwardly behind what we see in the consumer markets. It could be argued that…
The components in the model are by no means exhaustive – I acknowledge there are many more literacies, some of which are emergent due to new technologies and services. What I have attempted here is to represent what I consider to be the most important, or most regularly observed literacies and try to place them…
Source: SheetHacks: Discover the best tips and tricks for Google Sheets and Excel. Sometimes, you don’t know the problem you are having until you see the solution. Using spreadsheets fall into this category. There are things that you don’t know are possible with a spreadsheet, so you never ask or search for them. That’s where…
G Suite’s journey began 15 years ago with the introduction of Gmail in 2004. Back then, Gmail pioneered a new and secure approach to email with 1GB of free storage and lightning-fast Google search built right in. Gmail continues to help people manage their work and personal lives with the help of useful innovations—from priority…