A meme, a comic, and coding – Top 3 of the Week
Good discussion starters for those moving from an information environment of carefully vetted resources (libraries and print publication with journalistic integrity) to, well, the Internet. It seems our lessons did not take. To our detriment and possibly to the deteriment of our nation. While the ability to spot “fake” news on the Internet has always…
If you use Google Forms to collect entry or exit tickets, or other information from students, a quick and fast way to offer custom feedback is to use the formMule add-on. I posted a how-to before on using formMule, and you can follow that page with a couple of changes. By using formMule, you can…
15 more edtech trends for 2017 Hear from some of the top people in the educational field with their ideas of edtech in 2017. Create a link to a specific Gmail account Multiple Google accounts? No problem. Should schools be run as a business? Read on for why the answer is no.
I don’t know how I missed it, but Chrome OS version 52 came out back in July. That might now mean much too you, except that it means Chromebooks can now use Google Cast for Education without having to be running beta software. Google Cast for Education allows student Chromebooks to be able to broadcast…
https://eduk8.me/2021/04/did-the-principal-just-say-eduk8meme/ https://eduk8.me/2021/04/%f0%9f%93%b1-remote-control-the-computer-in-your-classroom-wirelessly-youtube/ https://eduk8.me/2021/04/story-dice-storytelling-inspiration/
Synergyse is a company that offers Google Apps training for the various Google Apps products. This training is delivered in the form of videos or in browser tutorials. While this has been a paid product, Google has purchased the company allowing anyone to use the training for free. To try it out, head over to…