A Meme, Chrome tab grouping, and a comic – Top 3 of the Week
Flippity.net: Easily Turn Google Spreadsheets into Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff Pretty sweet collection of tools that build off of Google Sheets. 3 Ways Pokémon GO Can Create Meaningful Learning Opportunities | EdTech Magazine I’m not surprised an article about Pokémon Go made the top 3, not at all. Simple Graphic Design for The Classroom –…
https://eduk8.me/2018/02/edchat-flashcards-becoming-big-silicon-valley/ https://eduk8.me/2018/02/comic-what-me-work/ https://eduk8.me/2018/02/edchat-becoming-better-teacher-becoming-better-public-speaker/
For a moment, let’s pretend. That everything you know about America’s public education system — the bitter politics and arcane funding policies, the rules and countless reasons our schools work (or don’t) the way they do — is suddenly negotiable. Pretend the obstacles to change have melted like butter on hot blacktop. Now ask yourself:…
All of the major operating systems support multiple users (even the iPad is getting it), which allows each user of a machine to have their own settings, wallpaper, bookmarks, etc. Usually, you have one log in and that is it, but I’ve been experimenting with having two logins, and switching between them depending on the task. I…
Adobe Spark brings easy-animation apps to the web Now the company is bringing all three of those apps under a new name, and also introducing a web version of the software. The new Adobe Spark suite includes Adobe Spark Video (formerly Slate), Adobe Spark Page (formerly Slate), and Adobe Spark Post (which was just Post…
It’s back!! After many, many months, I am ready to show you the third classroom in our Classroom Eye Candy series. All images will open up nice and big in a new window if you click on them. Source: Classroom Eye Candy 3: The Funky Science Lab | Cult of Pedagogy This is not your parents…