Become more creative by playing Minecraft
Minecraft is one of the most popular computer games, having sold more than 100 million copies since its release in 2011. Claims that it boosts creativity have been circulating for several years, and now there’s a bit of scientific evidence to back up that claim, according to the results of a new study published in Creativity Research Journal….
Video editing with FlexClip
Source: Free Online Video Maker – Create Your Video in Minutes | FlexClip Via: FlexClip Looks Like A Great Video-Editing Tool For ELLs, English-Proficient Students & Everybody Else | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… Upon signing in, you get the option to create a new video from a template or from scratch. I decided…
More information on Code with Google, helping students learn to code
Melissa Schonig is a fifth-grade English and Language Arts (ELA) teacher at Lynhaven Elementary School where 40-50 percent of students are Latino, and many don’t have access to computers at home. She didn’t know much about computer science, but wanted her students to get familiar with coding because it can help with other skills, such…
Free photos, illustrations, and icons are available from
Source: Download free icons, music, stock photos, vectors I beginning to think I should combine all of these free image sites posts in to one page to make them easier to find! icons8 offers more than just pictures. They have icon packs and music! A very cool site if you or your students are looking…
Machine Learning from Adafruit
Source: Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 – YouTube Unfortunately, the TensorFlow Lite kit is out of stock. Once it’s back in stock, $45 is a reasonable price to get students started with machine learning.
Passions can also be governed by fixed or growth mindsets
In a paper entitled “Implicit Theories of Interest: Finding Your Passion or Developing It?”, researches shared five studies that examined the difference between people who subscribe to the fixed theory versus the growth theory of interest. They found that people who believe that interests are fixed are more likely to: Lose interest more quickly in areas…
unDraw is a collection of free, open source illustrations
Source: unDraw unDraw works a lot like the illustrations gallery on ManyPixels. You select a topic and a color, and unDraw will show you matching clipart that is open source and free to use in any project.