How to use the calculator, graphing calculator, and geometry calculator built in to Google

How to use the calculator, graphing calculator, and geometry calculator built in to Google

How to use the calculator built in to Google. This may be an old trick, but it’s still very useful. When performing a Google search, you can instead type a problem to solve, such as 23*21 like in the example pic above. Google will then switch to calculator mode and show you the answer. You…

Add a background to screenshots with Screely

Add a background to screenshots with Screely

Source: Screely – Generate Beautiful Images When using the built in screenshot tool in macOS, a drop shadow is automatically added. This makes the screenshots look really good. But, when you’re on a different operating system, your screenshots don’t look nearly as good. Screely is a free website that allows you to add drop shadow, background, fake…

Why you want to customize your computer

Why you want to customize your computer

Increasingly, though, I am uncomfortable with the distinction we casually make between “pro” users and “regular” users. I don’t think these sorts of utilities are useful just for computer nerds. (There’s another category we should leave behind us.) I think they’re useful for everybody. Put another way: we’re all “pro” users.   I want to…

IBM’s Project Debater shows the advancement of AI

IBM’s Project Debater shows the advancement of AI

On a stage in San Francisco, IBM’s Project Debater spoke, listened and rebutted a human’s arguments in what was described as a groundbreaking display of artificial intelligence.   The machine drew from a library of “hundreds of millions” of documents – mostly newspaper articles and academic journals – to form its responses to a topic…

The special language Mister Rogers invented for talking to children

The special language Mister Rogers invented for talking to children

Rogers was so meticulous in his process for translating ideas so they could be easily understood by children that a pair of writers on the show came up with a nine-step process that he used to translate from normal English into “Freddish”, the special language he used when speaking to children. Source: Freddish, the special language…