{Edtechchat} Google CEO promotes taking tech education beyond coding

{Edtechchat} Google CEO promotes taking tech education beyond coding

Coding is a vital component of tech education, but it won’t be enough to sustain the next generation of workers. With a rapidly evolving tech world, employees will require continuous training in basic digital skills, according to Sundar Pichai. The Google chief executive explains in an opinion piece published Thursday by NBC News THINK that the notion of getting…

{Edchat} Teaching and learning in a micro school

{Edchat} Teaching and learning in a micro school

Portfolio School is part of a growing movement of “micro-schools.” Coined by British education blogger Cushla Barry in 2010, the term refers to educational institutions that emphasize interdisciplinary project-based learning, building social skills such as communication and critical thinking, and tailoring instruction to the needs of each individual student. Source: Are Microschools the Next Big…

{Edtech} Create online collections of articles, videos, images, tweets and more with Wakelet

{Edtech} Create online collections of articles, videos, images, tweets and more with Wakelet

Share articles, videos, images, tweets and other great content with one link. Save them for later and create collections, called wakes, at any time. Source: Wakelet – The best way to share and collect content Wakelet as been promoted as a replacement for Storify, but it offers a lot more. Without registration, a user can…

{Edtech} Oh Facebook, when are you going to fix your newsfeed?

{Edtech} Oh Facebook, when are you going to fix your newsfeed?

Facebook serves many useful functions. It helps you set up events, send messages to friends and family, and even organize groups. These are all side benefits, though. The main feature—the real thing Facebook wants to sell you—is the News Feed. Too bad it’s so broken that it’s almost useless. Source: Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm Is Completely…

Create your own augmented reality field trip with Waypoint EDU

Create your own augmented reality field trip with Waypoint EDU

Matthew Braun, developer of SketchParty TV (one of my favorite Apple TV games), released a new app to do just that. Waypoint EDU uses AR to make the phone not only a learning tool, but a truly interactive experience that can take place outdoors. Or anywhere. Source: Field Trips Just Got Cooler: Waypoint EDU This looks…

{Edtech Tools} Here’s a list of 10 math apps and math websites for your classroom

{Edtech Tools} Here’s a list of 10 math apps and math websites for your classroom

From content consumption to content creation, there are many ways to use mobile devices with students. They can create how-to videos for authentic audiences, explain their thinking through screencasting, or use scannable technology in the math classroom, for example. Mobile devices can also be used to help students practice foundational math skills and build their…

{EdtechChat} What responsibilities do companies have in regards to smartphone addiction?

{EdtechChat} What responsibilities do companies have in regards to smartphone addiction?

In an open letter to Apple, two of its major shareholders, Jana Partners and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, have raised concerns about research that suggests young people are becoming “addicted” to high-tech devices like the iPhone and iPad, and the software that runs on them. It asks the company to take a number of…