Using machine learning to write better

Using machine learning to write better

Using the Quill tool, students complete a variety of exercises, including joining sentences, writing complex sentences, and explaining their use and understanding of grammar. The tool relies on a huge depository of sentence fragments, which Quill finds, recognizes and compiles using TensorFlow, Google’s open source machine learning library. TensorFlow technology is the backbone of the tool…

Being analytical and motivated are required to think critically

Being analytical and motivated are required to think critically

In a world where accusations of “fake news” are thrown around essentially at random, critical thinking would seem to be a must. But this is also a world where the Moon landings are viewed as a conspiracy and people voice serious doubts about the Earth’s roundness. Critical thinking appears to be in short supply at…

Customize your searches in Google Chrome (and on Chromebooks)

Customize your searches in Google Chrome (and on Chromebooks)

If you do a certain kind of internet search over and over again, customizing your search engines in Chrome can make that much easier. For me, obviously, it’s searching The Verge, but I also have custom engines set up for YouTube, Amazon, news from the past week, and a few more things. So, for example, when…