This is NOT my editorial calendar

Scheduling personal development time in your calendar

Successful people don’t grow by accident, they grow by design. When you schedule personal development time on purpose, you are making time to design the life you want. You are essentially who you create yourself to be. Once you embrace the “growth” habit, you will improve your way of life. Source: Scheduling Just 15 Minutes…

Create suspense in your writing with this trick from the creators of South Park

Create suspense in your writing with this trick from the creators of South Park

… there is one 45-second bit that popped out to anyone who is interested in writing or telling stories. When talking about the frantic rewriting process of their script, Trey reveals his simple rule for rewriting and improving the story. “I call it the rule of replacing ands with either buts or therefores.” Trey says that a common trap a lot…

Learn basic AI in the browser with this experiment from Google

Learn basic AI in the browser with this experiment from Google

Just how does machine learning work? You’ve probably read a primer or two on the subject, but often the best way to understand a thing is to try it out for yourself. With that in mind, check out this little in-browser experiment from Google named Teachable Machine. It’s a perfect two-minute summary of what a lot of modern…

The advantages that gamers have over non-gamers

The advantages that gamers have over non-gamers

Neuropsychologists of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum let video gamers compete against non-gamers in a learning competition. During the test, the video gamers performed significantly better and showed an increased brain activity in the brain areas that are relevant for learning. Prof Dr Boris Suchan, Sabrina Schenk and Robert Lech report their findings in the journal Behavioural…

Find free and licensed pictures to use with your class at

Find free and licensed pictures to use with your class at

Everypixel is a AI powered search engine for photos. Everypixel will search 50 online photo repositories and find photos based on what you asked. The AI seems to be pretty good, except on a search for kitten one of the results was this: There isn’t a safe search option, and in my testing, a few obvious…

Help students quiet Chrome with AutoMute

Help students quiet Chrome with AutoMute

We’ve been there, the class is studiously working on their Chromebooks, researching ancient Rome when, BAM, a student navigates to a site with an annoyingly loud auto-playing video or ad. For those situations, AutoMute can help. Once installed, AutoMute will mute all of the tabs in the browser. The user can then mute or unmute the current tab, giving…

Applied Digital Skills from Google is a free curriculum based on tech skills

Applied Digital Skills from Google is a free curriculum based on tech skills

Source: Free Technology Curriculum from Google – Applied Digital Skills Applied Digital Skills is a free website by Google that offers technology lessons for staff and students (middle school and older). There are tons of lessons available online to help you or your students learn new skills. When I use online lessons like this, I…