Creating great learning spaces

Creating great learning spaces

Does your classroom mirror the rectilinear seating arrangement popular in Sumerian classrooms, circa 2000 BCE? Or is your classroom seating flexible and tricked out with the IDEO designed Node Chair by Steelcase? What classroom design changes can you do on a budget that supports learning? Source: Tips for Creating Wow-Worthy Learning Spaces | Edutopia A…

StoryBots Classroom is FREE for Teachers

StoryBots Classroom is FREE for Teachers

Preschool, kindergarten, and pre-k teachers are using the StoryBots educational games and alphabet songs to make learning fun in classrooms around the world! Source: StoryBots Classroom: FREE for Teachers StoryBots is a collection of books, games, videos and more for the pre-K to 1st grade classrooms. The company behind StoryBots is JibJab, the 45 person…

For young brains, screen time is the best of times and the worst of times

For young brains, screen time is the best of times and the worst of times

There’s new evidence that excessive screen time early in life can change the circuits in a growing brain. Scientists disagree, though, about whether those changes are helpful, or just cause problems. Both views emerged during the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego this week. Source: TV And Videogames Rewire Young Brains, For Better And Worse…

Office of Educational Technology has released a preview of the Ed Tech Rapid Cycle Evaluation (RCE) Coach

Office of Educational Technology has released a preview of the Ed Tech Rapid Cycle Evaluation (RCE) Coach

…a year ago we called for better methods for evaluating educational apps to help states, districts and schools have more transparency into what technology was really making a difference for teaching and learning. The need to make good decisions based on evidence, as opposed to relying on marketing hype or the buzz among a small…