Want to improve your student’s brain power? Open a window.

Want to improve your student’s brain power? Open a window.

Stuffy offices can halve cognitive scores The best way to tackle a tough task at work may be to crack a window and breathe deep. Compared with inhaling fresh air, gulping down the stale air found in conventional office buildings can stifle cognitive function by half, researchers report in Environmental Health Perspectives. The finding suggests…

Educating students in a world run by robots

Educating students in a world run by robots

Stop educating students for jobs that won’t exist The robots are coming – and they may put your friendly neighborhood retail staffer out of work. Home-improvement superstore Lowe’s recently began employing robot sales assistants in some of its stores. The robots can answer questions in multiple languages and take customers directly to what they’re looking…

US Dept. of Ed starts #GoOpen, promoting the open licensing of educational materials

US Dept. of Ed starts #GoOpen, promoting the open licensing of educational materials

U.S. Department of Education Launches Campaign to Encourage Schools to #GoOpen with Educational Resources The U.S. Department of Education announced today the launch of #GoOpen, a campaign to encourage states, school districts and educators to use openly licensed educational materials. As part of the campaign, the Department is proposing a new regulation that would require…

Store your Microsoft Office files in Google Drive with the Google Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

Store your Microsoft Office files in Google Drive with the Google Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

This Plug-In Puts Google Drive Inside Microsoft Office If you use Microsoft Office on the desktop, you’ll know Redmond’s engineers are very keen for you to turn to OneDrive for all your cloud storage and syncing needs. But a new plug-in brings Google Drive into the mix, too. Here’s how to get it up and…

Stop the Walking Dead

Stop the Walking Dead

Walking Dead In Schools: Faculty Meetings Several weeks into the new year, I am already hearing the same horror stories. The stories of destroying culture and creating zombies. Yes, it’s near Halloween, but it doesn’t have to be this way. What is it? Traditional Faculty Meetings. We know what they are, and we still subject…

Let’s be the Beatles

Let’s be the Beatles

Marching with Sgt. Pepper I often yearn to be immersed in a creative ethos like The Beatles. I am not wanting to hitch a ride on the “Magical Mystery Tour” in this case. Instead, I want the innovative spirit of “Sgt. Pepper” to stand as the norm in education. In essence, I want to be…

Three maker apps

Three maker apps

Three Maker Apps to Spark Young Imaginations …Their comments highlight what the maker movement is and isn’t. It’s not about the stuff: the 3-D printers, the soldering irons, the sewing machines, the iPads, or the craft materials. A successful experience is about learning and innovation. The first one, Foldify, works well even with a limited…