Using Google Glass to treat autism

Using Google Glass to treat autism

Stanford Researchers Treat Autism With Google Glass As Google retools its Glass experiment, researchers at Stanford are using the device to help autistic children recognize and classify emotions. In a small office buried inside an administrative building at Stanford, Catalin Voss and Nick Haber are pairing face-tracking technology with machine learning to build at-home treatments…

OMG Space shows the relative size of the solar system in your browser

OMG Space shows the relative size of the solar system in your browser

OMG SPACE This project is only possible with the infinite scale of the web. To do this in print, one would have to sacrifice either distance or size in order to make it a feasible print job, which is why many textbooks unfortunately fail to illustrate the scale of the solar system accurately. All the…

Use FormRedirector in Google Forms to change the destination of the form responses

Use FormRedirector in Google Forms to change the destination of the form responses

New Visions for Public Schools has published some great addons in the past (such as Doctopus and autoCrat) and they have another winner with FormRedirector. This addon allows you to redirect Google Form responses to different spreadsheets. There are two modes, Multi Destination Mode and Single Destination Mode. Multi Destination Mode Multi Destination Mode allows you to collect responses to additional…

Use Goodreader on your iPad & iPhone to mimic pen and paper assessing student work

Use Goodreader on your iPad & iPhone to mimic pen and paper assessing student work

There are numerous tools to help a teacher assess a Google Doc, but how about a tablet or phone based solution? One that mimics using a pen on paper to provide feedback? Well, good news, you can with GoodReader ($.99)! Now, it might be absurd to use tech to mimic pen and paper, but try it first,…