An illustrated, interactive guide to Dante’s Inferno

An illustrated, interactive guide to Dante’s Inferno

An illustrated, interactive guide to Dante’s Inferno Source: Infernal topography This is for all the students and teachers studying Dante’s Inferno. Each level is represented with graphics and information, and you can zoom in and around each level. There is a full list of characters and linkage to the actual poem on Wikipedia.

Avoid online distractions in Google Chrome with these Chrome extensions

Avoid online distractions in Google Chrome with these Chrome extensions

The presence of an endless stream of content on the internet is a double-edged sword. You’re never bored, but the online distractions can severely affect your productivity without you even realizing it.   Therefore, here are some of the best Chrome extensions you should install for combating every kind of online distraction. You will just…

Scratch 3.0 is released today!

Scratch 3.0 is released today!

Scratch 3.0 is released today! Source: 3 Things To Know About Scratch 3.0 – The Scratch Team Blog – Medium Scratch 3.0 is scheduled to be released this afternoon! Scratch is an online programming development environment that uses multicolored blocks instead of code. The new version is tablet friendly, discarding Flash which makes Scratch usable on iPads for the first…

Bust out some mad AI generated rhymes with BeatBot

Bust out some mad AI generated rhymes with BeatBot

Bust out some mad AI generated rhymes with BeatBot. Source: Itay Niv – BeatBot BeatBot is an experiment in music generation, using a stead beat in which you lay down your rhythms. Once you have a good beat going, BeatBot can automatically generate a rap. Don’t hold your breath on the quality of the rap, it’s usually hilarious gibberish.

BetterLesson provides free lesson plans and also offers PD opportunities

BetterLesson provides free lesson plans and also offers PD opportunities

Their mission: To support every teacher in the world in developing the next generation of compassionate, resourceful, and iterative learners. Source: BetterLesson | Professional Learning Reimagined BetterLesson provides access to thousands of free lesson plans and resources. These lesson plans are groups by subject, grade level and standard. Beyond the lesson plans is a thorough and comprehensive…

Do you want to hear what extinct technology sounds like? Conserve The Sound has you covered

Do you want to hear what extinct technology sounds like? Conserve The Sound has you covered

Conserve the sound« is an online museum for vanishing and endangered sounds. The sound of a dial telephone, a walkman, a analog typewriter, a pay phone, a 56k modem, a nuclear power plant or even a cell phone keypad are partially already gone or are about to disappear from our daily life. Accompanying the archive…