Writing stories in a text message format

Writing stories in a text message format

The more time we spend on our phones, the more text messaging seems like a natural artistic medium, a modern outgrowth of the epistolary novel. You can see it in the fake text messageweb fiction genre, in games like Sarah is Missing… and in the silly quasi-interactive thriller that a smartphone writing app has somehow seduced me into creating….

Using project based learning to help student understanding

In learning, there may be no greater tool for students than hands-on experience. Consider a classroom of first-graders who were lead in an endeavor to raise trout eggs while understanding environmental impacts. Or a high-school biology teacher who had her students create a project on any system in the human body, with results that included everything…

Easily insert equations into Google Docs with the FMath Editor add-on

Easily insert equations into Google Docs with the FMath Editor add-on

Professional ‘Math Editor’ used to insert equations into documents. Source: ‘FMath Editor’ Docs add-on – Google Docs add-on Last week I wrote about Equatio, an add-on to insert mathematical expressions. FMath Editor is another option for entering math equations into documents. Once installed, you can build your equations from the tool on the right side…

Google Docs equations, Twitter and Schools, and one to one – top 3 for the week

Google Docs equations, Twitter and Schools, and one to one – top 3 for the week

Equatio is a new add-on for Google Docs and Forms to facilitate the entry of math expressions Insert equations into Google Docs and Forms with ease. Exemplary examples of school districts using Twitter See how school districts can use Twitter. Do one to one initiatives threaten public education For some reason, the author equates one…

SlideBot automatically creates presentations from your text

SlideBot automatically creates presentations from your text

SlideBot automatically creates presentations from your text. Once you sign up, you enter the text you want on each slide. SlideBot analyzes the text and picks an image for each slide. It then analyzes the image for the best place to position your text, along with selecting a format for the text itself. After SlideBot creates your presentation, you…

Google Forms Super Quiz, critical thinking, and the system – Top 3 for the week

Google Forms Super Quiz, critical thinking, and the system – Top 3 for the week

If you use Google Forms for assesment you’ll want to check out Super Quiz Analyze Google Forms quizzes. Sorry science teachers, history is a better subject for teaching critical thinking Research into teaching critical thinking. “Don’t think someone is the system. You are the system.” Sir Ken Robinson is still at it!