Coding, internet safety, and test prep comic – Top 3
The number one paradox in higher education is that technology is both transforming and disrupting universities around the world. Institutions that adapt to the technology and become content producers will survive and flourish; those confined to being content consumers will struggle to stay in business. Many colleges and universities are in financial difficulty today: According…
Nobody likes change, but the fact is that change is at our doorstep. Changes in technology are quickly beginning to force the hands of schools and districts across the world. This poses some good news for students, as transformation efforts are under way to provide authentic learning experiences that provide relevance, value, and tangible skills…
There are times when you will want to share a website to your students as a PDF. It’s a good way to make sure they are all looking at the same information. Once they have a PDF, they can mark it up and add their own notes to the page. However, getting a clean PDF…
For the last two weeks of 2021 I will be revisiting past articles. This is a new experience for me because I’ve never done this before! I hope you have a wonderful and regenerative holiday break and wish the best for you and your family in 2022.
I’ve talked about Gmail labs previously and today I want to share another Labs addition to Gmail I use all the time, Quick Links. After enabling Quick Links, a new box shows up on the left under your Gmail labels. To save a search, you need to complete the Gmail search first using the normal Gmail…