Creating Muppets out of household materials with Jim Henson
Absolutely delightful!
Urging people to find their passion may lead them to put all their eggs in one basket but then to drop that basket when it becomes difficult to carry. Source: Implicit Theories of Interest: Finding Your Passion or Developing It? When I first pulled up the paper, I jumped right to the abstract. After reading…
The components in the model are by no means exhaustive – I acknowledge there are many more literacies, some of which are emergent due to new technologies and services. What I have attempted here is to represent what I consider to be the most important, or most regularly observed literacies and try to place them…
Matt Bucy on Vimeo has put together a cut of The Wizard of Oz where he has rearranged every instance of every word in alphabetical order. It’s quite fascinating to watch, and some of the scenes with the same word are quite humorous when put together in this order.
Start with a Question: Teach the Way You Wish You Were Taught There is a difference. If our learners want to learn, they will dive deeper, think more, and be more creative. Instructional design, student voice, and questions that matter to students can make that difference. I was lectured to, took notes, practiced on worksheets,…
As part of the White House’s ConnectED initiative Safari Books Online has teamed with O’Reilly Media to offer free access to hundreds of eBooks. To access the books you will need a verified Edmodo or Clever account (I haven’t figured out what they mean by a “personal” log in that is an option). One downside is…