Happy New Year!

My new laptop is an Asus Chromebook C302. My laptop history I’ve bounced between macOS and Linux for my laptops over the past 10 years. My latest laptop was a Lenovo Yoga 11″, on which I ran Ubuntu Mint a majority of the time. I could dual-boot into Windows, but I very rarely did that….
Why be like everyone else, edit the Google Slides master to create custom themes! Source: Google Slides: Edit the Slide Master – Teacher Tech Great tip about Google Fonts! And for another example of customizing, check out my post on making Google Slides your own.
The results show that during slow wave sleep, the largest connections are maintained while the smaller ones are lost. This brain mechanism improves the signal-to-noise ratio — important information remains and the dispensable is discarded — and allows the storage of various types of information from one day to the next without losing the previous…
Effortless creation of mind maps,concept maps and outlines to improve your thinking, learning and even your business solutions. Online, desktop, iPad and Android apps are available. Source: Mind mapping, concept mapping and outlining Mindomo is an online tool for mind mapping, concept mapping, outlining, and more. The free version allows you to store three maps…
I believe in the importance of participating in ongoing and continuous reflective practice as an educator. This is my reflection on my Cardboard Challenges Maker Education Camp that was taught to twelve 5 to 10 year old learners for five days, 2.5 hours each morning. My Cardboard Challenges webpage of ideas can be found at http://www.makereducation.com/cardboard-challenge.html….
Providing opportunities for students to make and create is essential in 21st-century classrooms. Children of all ages should experience the joy of seeing their work shared and celebrated. Classrooms with access to a variety of different tools have plenty of tech tool options. Source: 6 Must-Have Creation Tools for the BYOD Classroom Don’t look at…