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Attending a conference? Here’s my conference checklist #iPadSymposiumUA
This Saturday I will be presenting at the University of Akron’s iPad Symposium. As I’ve attended numerous conferences throughout my professional career, I’ve started to realize I should create a to do list so I don’t forget anything before a conference…
My conference checkist – 2016 edition
As I get ready for the Ohio Educational Technology Conference this week I though it would be a good idea to revisit my conference checklist.
1. Charge devices and battery packs
My devices I’m currently taking are a 2010 MacBook Pro, iPad Mini 3, and i…
For all the advantages that the Internet has brought, communication can still be problematic. Email is still the king of the hill with Internet using American Workers, but it really isn’t a very good medium for conversations by being limited to who can see and take part. Twitter chats are big with educators, but are…