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Creating useful PDFs from websites
There are times when you will want to share a website to your students as a PDF. It’s a good way to make sure they are all looking at the same information. Once they have a PDF, they can mark it up and add their own notes to the page. However, getting a clean PDF…

1. To do folder (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)
This is part 1 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. There’s a phrase I like to use, “Your inbox is not an organizational tool”. But, how many people do you know that have thousands of emails in their inbox, mingling archived emails with actionable emails? By working toward inbox zero you’ll lessen the cognitive load…

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Gmail search operators can help you search your email
There are a few search operators that you can use in the Gmail search bar to help narrow down and find that message. Here are a few of my favorites: from: and to: To find all the emails from a particular person, use from:[email protected], or use to:[email protected] to find all of the email messages sent…