Of course, this isn’t true. Physical proximity is one thing, but connection and intimacy come from eye contact, from hearing and being heard, from an exchange of hopes and dreams.
I’ve tried various ways to keep a journal, and right now I use both Gmail and WordPress to journal. For today, I’m going to focus on using Gmail to journal. The workflow for using Gmail to journal is pretty simple. To add a journal entry, you will email a special address. To delete an entry,…
After posting yesterday, I played around with running Android apps on my Chromebook last night. To minimize the glitches, I found that not changing the configuration of the Chromebook after launching the app runs the app the best. What do I mean by that? I mean, don’t flip the screen around or rotate the screen…
I finally finished my latest cheat sheet, this one on the Gmail keyboard shortcuts! The keyboard shortcuts in Gmail help me get through my emails in record time. When someone wonders how I can keep up with my email, I tell them it’s all in the keyboard. Get your copy now simply by signing up…
This is part 11 of 13 things to do before the first day of school. Holidays have a tendency to sneak up on us. I’ve lost track of the number of times that I’ve missed out on doing something in my classroom because I didn’t know it was a holiday. What I’ve started to do…
This is part 4 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. We’re getting close to inbox zero, and today’s tip deals with emails from students. I’ve talked about this in the past, and the directions haven’t changed. Student Email Footer Unfortunately, Google’s search criteria fails if you have students in the same domain as teachers (everyone…