My OETC20 Presentations and Talks
Tuesday, February 11, 2020, is the start of the Ohio Educational Technology Conference. I will be presenting 3 times and delivering one FREd Talk (FREd stands for Finding Real Education). My presentations page is available at and will have links to all of the materials for my presentations.

First up is Rock Google Slides like the Boss you Are. It’s all about off-label uses of Google Slides.

My FREdTalk is all about asking questions. You can look through the slides on my presentations page, but they’re not going to make sense on their own. I guess you’ll have to come to my talk. And if you’re not at the conference, I guess I better record a copy!

Google uses web addresses for almost everything, this presentation will show you how to use those URLs to make yourself more efficient.

Not the Rhythm, the Hackers Are Going to Get You is all about staying safe online. What can you do to keep your information private?