Phoshor icons, a comic, and a meme – Top 3 of the Week
Thanks to Cloudflare‘s free SSL service, the website is now secured over SSL. Cloudflare is a cloud proxy system for websites, allowing the website to load faster for users while also protecting the website for denial of service or other attacks. There are two other nice features for websites when used with Cloudflare, IPv6 support…
Professional ‘Math Editor’ used to insert equations into documents. Source: ‘FMath Editor’ Docs add-on – Google Docs add-on Last week I wrote about Equatio, an add-on to insert mathematical expressions. FMath Editor is another option for entering math equations into documents. Once installed, you can build your equations from the tool on the right side…
This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. No one has the answers to everything. Some people few this as a sign of weakness, but it is actually a sign of strength. By admitting you need to look something up, you…
Social media privacy getting you down? Would you like to be notified automatically when your favorite websites are updated? RSS is the tool for you! What is RSS? Real Simple Syndication (RSS) is a method for website sites to publish updates. An RSS reader can subscribe to RSS feeds, giving the user a list of…
Back in March, we reported how Amazon was poised to up its stakes in the educational publishing market with the launch of a free platform called Inspire for teachers and others to post and share education resources online. Today, the company has confirmed it is doing just that. It has announced Amazon Inspire, an online education resources (OER) platform…
Top three for the week Google Spaces is a new way to collaborate and share resources An interesting take on small group collaboration The Beginner’s Guide to Design Thinking in the Classroom – A.J. JULIANI Getting started with design thinking in the classroom Create a slideshow of your Google Photos with Youtube Create slideshows in…