What Amazon uses instead of PowerPoint, a comic, and continuously scroll Google search results – Top 3 for the week

What Amazon uses instead of PowerPoint, a comic, and continuously scroll Google search results – Top 3 for the week

https://eduk8.me/2018/05/jeff-bezos-ceo-and-founder-of-amazon-replaced-powerpoint-in-meetings-with-something-better/ https://eduk8.me/2018/05/comic-school-days-left/ https://eduk8.me/2018/05/continuously-scroll-your-google-search-results-with-the-infinite-scroll-for-google-chrome-add-on/  

Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, replaced PowerPoint in meetings with something better

Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, replaced PowerPoint in meetings with something better

In his 2018 annual letter, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos repeated his rule that PowerPoint is banned in executive meetings. What Bezos replaced it with provides even more valuable insight for entrepreneurs and leaders. Source: Jeff Bezos Banned PowerPoint in Meetings. His Replacement Is Brilliant | Inc.com I shared on Twitter this week about our…

Being obsessed about the numbers won’t make you successful

Being obsessed about the numbers won’t make you successful

More and more companies, government agencies, educational institutions and philanthropic organisations are today in the grip of a new phenomenon. I’ve termed it ‘metric fixation’. The key components of metric fixation are the belief that it is possible – and desirable – to replace professional judgment (acquired through personal experience and talent) with numerical indicators…

OLPC’s $100 laptop was going to save the world. Where is it now?

OLPC’s $100 laptop was going to save the world. Where is it now?

It was supposed to be the laptop that saved the world. In late 2005, tech visionary and MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte pulled the cloth cover off a small green computer with a bright yellow crank. The device was the first working prototype for Negroponte’s new nonprofit One Laptop Per Child, dubbed “the green…