{Edchat} Becoming a better teacher by becoming a better public speaker

{Edchat} Becoming a better teacher by becoming a better public speaker

“Why can’t I be more like [insert name of your favorite speaker]?” When lawyers ask this question, it usually means they’ve been on their feet in court or presenting to potential clients and it didn’t go well. They felt anxious, insecure, unsettled — far from the confidence they’d hoped to project. Source: Confidence Is Personal: Being…

{Edtech} Student well being declines with smartphone use

{Edtech} Student well being declines with smartphone use

In nationally representative yearly surveys of United States 8th, 10th, and 12th graders 1991–2016 (N = 1.1 million), psychological well-being (measured by self-esteem, life satisfaction, and happiness) suddenly decreased after 2012. Adolescents who spent more time on electronic communication and screens (e.g., social media, the Internet, texting, gaming) and less time on nonscreen activities (e.g.,…

{Edchat} Flashcards are becoming big in Silicon Valley

{Edchat} Flashcards are becoming big in Silicon Valley

Eager to keep up with the pace of change, some Silicon Valley researchers are embracing a grade-school technique to enhance their cognition and memory. Michael Nielsen, a research fellow at Y Combinator Research, a division of Silicon Valley’s top startup accelerator, took to Twitter last week to explain his approach: flashcards. To comprehend fast changing fields such as…

{Coding} Why students should code, from a 15 year old programmer

{Coding} Why students should code, from a 15 year old programmer

Imagine if you grew up around people but never learned the language they spoke to each other. Wouldn’t it be absurd? Yet, technology powers almost everything in today’s world and most children have no idea about language it speaks. This rapid growth of technology requires a rapid pace of education to follow it, but it is pretty…

{Google Docs} Add math equations written with Latex easily to Google Docs

{Google Docs} Add math equations written with Latex easily to Google Docs

This add-on lets you automatically convert every mathematical equation in your document into beautiful latex images! This add-on lets you automatically convert every LaTeX equation in your document into beautiful images! Simply enclose your math equations within $$ … $$ and click the button in the sidebar, and all of your equations will be rendered…

{Edtech} Why students should have a positive digital footprint

{Edtech} Why students should have a positive digital footprint

The “Best Footprint Forward” project explored what children know about digital footprints. Focus groups were made up of 33 children aged 10-12 years from three schools in regional NSW. Analysis of the focus groups reveals children have strategies to keep safe online, but they need further guidance on how to build a positive digital footprint….