Can Facebook target teens who feel “worthless”?

Can Facebook target teens who feel “worthless”?

Facebook’s secretive advertising practices became a little more public on Monday thanks to a leak out of the company’s Australian office. This 23-page document discovered by The Australian (paywall), details in particular how Facebook executives promote advertising campaigns that exploit Facebook users’ emotional states—and how these are aimed at users as young as 14 years old. According to the report, the…

Kudoswall is a free service for students to build an online portfolio

Kudoswall is a free service for students to build an online portfolio

KudosWall is an online, automatic portfolio and resume builder. Source: Kudoswall By using Kudoswall, studios can automatically create an online portfolio of accomplishments. Students use the website or the smartphone app to upload an example of their work, or to post accomplishments and awards. Kudoswall will automatically create the website.

Chromebook focus, Flipgrid, and WriteReader – Top 3 for the week

Chromebook focus, Flipgrid, and WriteReader – Top 3 for the week

Forest is a really cool Chrome extension to help teachers and students focus Help students stay off of distracting sites. Using Flipgrid in your class for video responses Neat way to enhance class discussions. Use WriteReader with students for digital publishing and classroom ebooks Web based digital publishing platform for students.

Twitch will air all episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood starting on May 15th

Twitch will air all episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood starting on May 15th

First there was Bob, then Julia, and now we’d like you to meet Fred. But you can call him Mister Rogers. We are incredibly excited to announce an all episodes marathon of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood starting on May 15th at 12:00pm PT. All 886 episodes — including many episodes that have only aired once or are unavailable elsewhere online — will stream consecutively on….

Elon Musk proves that jack of all trades, master of none is a myth

Elon Musk proves that jack of all trades, master of none is a myth

How is it even possible that Elon Musk could build four multibillion companies by his mid-40s — in four separate fields (software, energy, transportation, and aerospace)? To explain Musk’s success, others have pointed to his heroic work ethic (he regularly works 85-hour weeks), his ability to set reality-distorting visions for the future, and his incredible resilience. But all of…

Unsplash is another option for free photos to use for any purpose

Unsplash is another option for free photos to use for any purpose

Unsplash is another site for free to use photos. Like LibreStock, these photos are licensesd under Create Commons 0, which means they are free to use for any use, including commercial use. The site couldn’t be simpler to use, you type your search term into the site and it returns pictures related to the term. So,…

“… children as young as 13 are being treated for digital technology addiction.”

“… children as young as 13 are being treated for digital technology addiction.”

But in the US, the problem has become so severe for some families that children as young as 13 are being treated for digital technology addiction. Source: Children as young as 13 attending ‘smartphone rehab’ as concerns grow over screen time | The Independent We have a few rules in our house, the main one…