13. Quickly send email on your smartphone (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

13. Quickly send email on your smartphone (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

This is part 13 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. Writing this turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be. The problem is the iPhone, it’s pretty locked down when it comes to wanting to put icons on the home screen. iOS makes it easy enough to put website bookmarks on…

12. Gmail as a Database (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

12. Gmail as a Database (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

This is part 12 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. We can take the same idea of journaling with Gmail and use it to save almost anything in our Gmail account. The advantage to using Gmail for data storage is the fact that email is ubiquitous and Google makes it really easy to search. Setup…

11. Journal (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

11. Journal (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

This is part 11 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. I’ll be the first one to tell you my memory is terrible, especially with interactions during the day. Of course at the moment I believe I’ll remember it, but a day later and it’s already gone. This is my reason for setting up a journal…

Reading, writing, arithmetic — and don’t forget coding

Reading, writing, arithmetic — and don’t forget coding

As kids head back to school this fall, which class should they enroll in? French — or programming? Apple CEO Tim Cook told a company conference this year that computer programming should be taught in schools as a second language. Others have echoed that view, arguing that programming should be considered a necessary skill for the 21st century, right alongside…

Google Forms in My Classroom

Google Forms in My Classroom

We’ve established that I have an obsession with Google Forms. It’s easy to connect & manage data from students, parents, etc. Last week, I posted on how to use Google Forms for teacher walkthrough observations–targeted at either administrator walkthroughs or peer walkthroughs. This week, I’m going to share how I use Google Forms in my…

10. Saved Searches (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

10. Saved Searches (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

This is part 10 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. The searches I covered before come in handy, but what do you do when you find yourself using the same search all the time? That’s where the Quick Links Gmail lab comes in. Quick Links gmQuick Links is another Gmail labs option, which allows you to…

9. Mobile apps  (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

9. Mobile apps (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)

This is part 9 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. Although I do use an Android phone in addition to my iPhone, this article will cover more iOS apps than Android. Why? Because the built in Gmail app on Android works so well that I haven’t researched anything else. A lot of people use the…