Virtual Reality Disruption: Will 3-D technology break through to the educational mainstream? : Education Next

Virtual Reality Disruption: Will 3-D technology break through to the educational mainstream? : Education Next

Picture this: A student wears a set of goggles that transport her from a classroom in Athens, Georgia, to the Parthenon, 5,600 miles away in Athens, Greece. In an interactive, 3-D world, she peers up and down each of the 17 columns on the temple’s side and examines the fluted shafts. She notes that they…

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist — The Startup — Medium

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist — The Startup — Medium

I’m an expert on how technology hijacks our psychological vulnerabilities. That’s why I spent the last three years as a Design Ethicist at Google caring about how to design things in a way that defends a billion people’s minds from getting hijacked. When using technology, we often focus optimistically on all the things it does…

What is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

What is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

Two technologies have been popping up a lot lately, augmented reality and virtual reality. What are they and how can they be used? Augmented reality Augmented reality overlays a computer generated display onto your view of your current surroundings. When viewing the world with augmented reality, the furniture in the room is still there, but…

Creating an MP3 of translated text, backup up your Google account, and cell highlighting in Google Sheets – Top 3 posts of the week

Creating an MP3 of translated text, backup up your Google account, and cell highlighting in Google Sheets – Top 3 posts of the week

Create an mp3 of translated text with Sound of Text Use this website to create short snippets of audio of translated text. Backing up your Google account with Google Takeout How to back up your Google account. ⓔ Highlight the minimum and maximum cell in a Google Sheet column An oldie but still a goody,…

Why Good Professional Development Is Crucially Linked to an Educator’s Attitude | EdSurge News

Why Good Professional Development Is Crucially Linked to an Educator’s Attitude | EdSurge News

Let’s start by giving “professional development” a definition. PD is a process that responds to a phase of personal growth and self-realization experienced by each individual. Professional development allows the person to establish an itinerary of evolution, taking into account the person’s work experience, acquired knowledge and vocation. But good PD is so much deeper…

Together… Let’s Make a Google Form – Teacher Tech

Together… Let’s Make a Google Form – Teacher Tech

Use this spreadsheet Add-on to allow multiple people to collaboratively create multiple choice questions in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Once the questions are designed, press a button in the sidebar to create a Google Form from the questions in the spreadsheet. Source: Together… Let’s Make a Google Form – Teacher Tech What a great add-on!…

Education deals on Apple products for back to school

Education deals on Apple products for back to school

Apple’s Back to School promotion has ironically dropped before some school districts have even finished this year, and it’s… Meh. By purchasing an eligible Mac, iPad or iPhone for college, you get a free pair of Beats headphones. There are two versions of the headphones that you can receive depending on the product you purchase….