How teachers can use Google Hangouts

How teachers can use Google Hangouts

7 Ways Teachers Can Use Google Hangouts Using Google Hangouts is a great way to connect and collaborate with other classrooms. It’s also a powerful tool for making connections, working collaboratively, and introducing the wider world to your students. Many educators have embraced Hangouts to enrich both their students’ learning experiences and their own professional…

The best time is now

The best time is now

It’s Never Too Late One of my favorite stories is the one about the wise old man in a small village. Two young boys once approached this wise old man and asked about a bird that one of them had in their hand. They asked if the bird was alive or was dead. The wise…

Hunting your goals

Hunting your goals

Hunting Your Goals Using Persistence Can you imagine it?  That instead of hunting a wild animal with a gun, bow, or spear, hunters pursue their prey to the point of utter fatigue?  That, after expelling all of its powerful energy, the animal is beaten due to sheer weariness of physical strength.  While I can’t fathom…

PD shouldn’t be about the tools

PD shouldn’t be about the tools

Overcoming the SQUIRREL: Why PD Sessions Should Use Digital Tools Sparingly For many, the term “in-service” or “professional development” conjures images of tirelessly boring days of sitting and getting information while some expert drones on and on about the latest and greatest in education.  But 21st century professional learning is different.  Think about your last…

Nova Scotia is pushing computer programming

Nova Scotia is pushing computer programming

Computer coding coming soon to Nova Scotia curriculum Nova Scotia hopes to incorporate computer coding into the curriculum next year so that students get more hands-on experience with the technology that makes the modern world work.  The province is teaching students from Grade Primary to Grade 3 the basics of computers this year, and the hope is…

Hashtags for administrators

Hashtags for administrators

10 Hashtags School Administrators Should Follow Being the kind of leader who makes a positive, lasting impact takes a lot of effort and persistence. As a leader, you need to be sure you are feeding your spirit, mind, and body, especially since you are the model for many teachers, parents, and students. Reaching out to…

Using tech tools to change learning with dyslexia

Using tech tools to change learning with dyslexia

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia Fifth-grade teacher Kyle Redford remembers with emotion the day she unwittingly put an iPad in the hands of one of her 10-year-old dyslexic students, a day she called “a complete game changer.” I loved this paragraph from the article: But in order for teachers to really embrace…

6 apps for educators

6 apps for educators

6 Apps Educators Shouldn’t Live Without Technology at your fingertips is amazing, but it can also be overwhelming. With innumerable apps being released on a daily basis, sifting through them for a few standouts could consume every extra minute of the day. We’ happy to share with you these 6 new releases in education to…